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It is a pleasure to welcome you to our online store.

We are a husband and wife team in pursuit to offer you the finest selection of home furnishings. We primarily focus on bringing the best quality lighting, and outdoor gear to you.

Solasta Boutique was inspired by our travels throughout Europe and Asia. We saw a need for the products we offer. In the interest to bring to Chatham-Kent what is not already offered here, in order to support the local craftsmanship and genuine love of our community.

Tom is a third generation certified “Wright” electrician, with his parent’s business Wright’s Electric. Meaghan is in pursuit to complement the practicality of quality electrical wiring with unique and high-quality products. Each company has been carefully chosen based on quality, integrity and ingenuity to offer products we stand behind. With Canadian-made and state of the art workmanship from designers worldwide, we are proud to partner with extraordinary brands at Solasta Boutique.

Solasta is Scottish gaelic, for shining and luminous. We started our marriage living and making memories in Glasgow, Scotland. It’s majestic beauty, rugged landscape and rich culture impacted our lives. Establishing Solasta, is our way to shine light and love into you.

After years of pursuing different dreams – Tom’s career as a teacher and Meaghan’s career in global health and pursuing her master in public health – we realized we’re better together. We went out on a limb, launched our business in the middle of a pandemic and we’re ready to serve you.

We invite you in, to a little piece of our heart, to rejuvenate, live abundantly and express yourself. Shine your light from the inside out.

La vie est belle.

Meaghan & Tom

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